Friday, April 23, 2010

a look at a students work

The final project is clearly separated into set sections that cannot all be viewed at once. This seems like a good idea so that not everything gets mixed together and doesn't make much of any sense. Her work is very indepth and well written. I really like her use of an opening quote that starts everything out in the right mind frame. This shows me how I need to figure out how I would like to organize my work. I could set it up like hers in separate areas or have it all in one section.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The excerpt from Nickel and Dimmed shows all aspects of what I need to be doing for my final project. The interview, research, observations, and a splash of background are all mixed together. I like the way it just flows so naturally which is something i should really work on. The author makes this a very easy read. I can follow the writing without being pulled into multiple sidetracks. I can use this piece to situate my writing so that all 3 essays written so far will combined smoothly.

Friday, April 9, 2010


As I continue to conduct my research and my observations, I have noticed one big thing missing. I do not have any set rules or regulations set for the Corps of Cadets yet. The gentleman in the special collections section of the library mentioned something about how he had all of the rule books for the cadets dating back to the beginning. I will need to get ahold of these books so I can have more accurate information. As for my site, the routines are very visible (I mean they are cadets on set schedules). The basically have to do the same things everyday which makes it easy to catch on to everything they do.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I found a source about cadets that live on college campuses. It is an online article and the link above brings you to it. It helps out a lot because it is answering some of my questions and gives me statistics about cadets. The article states that 9/11 caused a big increase in cadets at colleges. It supplies the numbers of this increase as well. This information gives me something to use as to answer my questions of why cadets join. There is one downfall though. The article is only about the Army ROTC so I could only use it to talk about the Army, not any of the other branches. I still believe it will be a good source though.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


For the research aspect of my project, the main things I will be researching would be the cadets and other schools that have a strong military base. These would provide the most relevance to my topic and project. It will allow me to learn more about the cadets through the years as well as give me some outlook on what cadets at other schools are like. I more likely will be getting most of my information on these subjects from articles and online databases rather than actual books. Learning about this will allow me to get more of a better understanding from the past and then will form a conjunction to what the interviews tell me about the present.

Monday, March 8, 2010

English Portfolio here is my website. Thank you for everything.