Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reflection of "On Keeping a Notebook"

Didion's writing is so detailed and so indepth. Even though she is just recollecting, she still is able to describe everything. I need to be able to channel that into my observations. I have never been one to go into much detail so it makes observing and recalling that much harder. If I can make more detailed descriptions while I am at my site, maybe I can have observations that are as descriptive as Didion.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the post because I also feel like it's quite remarkable how Didion is able to recollect and be so indepth about the events she describes. I also have a problem recollecting detail because I'm usually pretty brief with my descriptions which isn't a good thing whenever I want to remember multiple points about a specific subject. I also agree that if I can make more descriptive observations on my site my ethnography will come out good.
