Friday, March 26, 2010


I found a source about cadets that live on college campuses. It is an online article and the link above brings you to it. It helps out a lot because it is answering some of my questions and gives me statistics about cadets. The article states that 9/11 caused a big increase in cadets at colleges. It supplies the numbers of this increase as well. This information gives me something to use as to answer my questions of why cadets join. There is one downfall though. The article is only about the Army ROTC so I could only use it to talk about the Army, not any of the other branches. I still believe it will be a good source though.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a pretty good source, and you should be able to get a lot of insight into the cadets from this article. You did include the source and the field it falls into, I guess that you could just elaborate a little bit more on this when you do your summary. Some things that you need to remember to include is your biases, but you did include the purpose of you using this article, so good job. :) This article sounds like it is pretty scholarly, since it has some good statistics, which is always good to have in a paper. So, good luck with your paper, and I hope this article helps you a lot.
